Sunday, 6 April 2014

Field trip to "LA CASA GELATO"

 After a long walk and two bus rides, we arrived at our destination! 
Molly talked about the importance of having an ice cream store in a community and this idea led us into visiting an ice cream shop. 

Molly "Ice cream is so good on hot, sunny days!" 

Prior to our field trip, the children each made an ice cream hat and an ice cream cone with some of their favourite ice cream flavours. Each child had to think of a responsibility that an ice cream maker has as well as some questions they might want to ask. 
Most children thought that the ice cream maker makes the ice cream and sells it to people, but yesterday, we found out that there are specific jobs at an ice cream store. There is the ice cream maker that uses machines to make ice cream in the back of the store and servers that serve the customers. Some of the servers' responsibilities are to make sure that the customers are happy, to offer samples, to serve and to collect money. 

One of the servers was very kind and gave each child a baby cone with one flavour of ice cream. 

Roy "Oh my, this is very hard to choose." 
Alfie "I would like a mint chocolate chip ice cream please." 
Molly "Blue cotton candy. Yummmmy" 
All the other children chose either chocolate or vanilla ice cream. 

Some of the flavours were ones we had never heard of before like: garlic ice cream, wasabi ice cream etc. The children tried to guess the flavour according to the colour, but thankfully, the server helped us learn about the new and different flavours.

We enjoyed the wonderful, sunny weather and had lunch at a playground close to the ice cream store. 

The bus ride home rocked some children to sleep, while others shared their experience with other people on the bus. 
We all thanked the bus driver for taking us to the ice cream store and back to school. 

Trystan "So good that there are buses to take us places. It would have been very far to walk to."

We definitely recommend a delicious ice cream on a sunny day!
Wind group and Water group.

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