Thursday, 14 November 2013

What is a decoration to each of us?

Line of Inquiry and Key concept: Similarities and differences in ideas about what a decoration is and seeing it from different PERSPECTIVES. 
Sofia thinks that a "chair" is a decoration. 
The question that followed Sofia's statement was, "What does a chair decorate?"
This inquiry led the children into a deep and exciting conversation. 
Sofia "The chair decorates the table
Trystan "The table is by the wall, so it decorates the wall" 
Alexis "The furniture decorates the room" 
Jason "Well, it's good there's furniture around. If not, this room would be empty" 

Today we decided that the furniture needs some decorating. 
Trystan "It makes the room look more beautiful and colourful" 
Keira "I love flowers. Let's add some flowers" 

Debbie heard about our projects, so she shared a decoration that the First Nation people use to decorate their clothes at weddings or funerals. 
The flower is handmade, out of Cedar tree bark. The children understood that for the First Nation people, this flower tells a story and helps other people identify the ones that are wearing it. This helped us connect to a different culture and instilled curiosity to find out more about First Nation decorating. 

We all handmade flowers to decorate the drama area. 

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