Friday, 8 November 2013

Decorating the Drama Area

The drama area "transformation" began with tidying up and wiping everything. The children were very determined and they all cooperated to get wonderful results. 
After wiping all the toys, the furniture and the floor, they all stated that cleaning "makes us very tired". 
The first decoration is up! The children painted and glued pink and purple paper onto the wall.
Sofia "The drama area looks happier with pink and purple on the wall." 
Trystan "I can't wait to add some green to the walls."
Maddi "We will be able to wear costumes and decorate our bodies very soon."
Jason "Cleaning was hard, but it looks really nice now." 

The children celebrated the great results and while Mila was walking by the drama area she mentioned that "Oh, it is different in there."
Our plan is to help the other groups connect to our interests, to learn more about our own and to have fun!


  1. the room looks wonderful especially with the new decor. trystan is such a big mommy's helper at home too. wonderful job to all the children

  2. Love the decorations so far and looking forward to seeing the full transformation!
