Sunday, 22 September 2013

Folk song games have specific forms.

For the next few days, we are focusing our attention on building knowledge and gathering information towards our summative assessment. (Using garage band, the children will make their own music sequence that describes a thought or a feeling. They will use objects or musical instruments. These will be played at a collaborative performance at the end of the unit). 

Sparked by Alexis', Maddi's and Sofia's interest in singing folk songs, we will focus our attention towards different folk songs and their form. 

We started looking at the form of a song that helps us remember names: 
Bumpety, bumpety, yellow bus. 
Will you say your name for us.

Attached you can see the Song map for this song. 

The second song that we started studying is "Come and follow me". 

We discussed the words in the song and the ways that this song invites us to express ourselves (Come and follow me = follow the person that is singing; in a line - walk in a line; we will stop - stop your body; like this - copy the person that's in front).

Attached you can find a song map and the form sheet. We are also looking into the beat, syllables and rhythm of this song! 

We are definitely having fun exploring different ways of expressing ourselves!

"Music always makes me want to move around " Sofia 
"My feet always feel like moving" Roy 


  1. Thanks for sharing these updates, Anamaria. I know Alexis is really enjoying this unit--she is constantly singing at home!
