Friday 11 December 2015

Decorations tell human stories and help us know one another

For Art on Fridays, we made paper-mache to create hanging decorations. Each child took their time to carefully choose the colours they wanted to use.

The children showed an understanding that decorations can tell a human story or be the introductions to it.
Each hanging decoration is unique and tells a story.
Theo's hanging decoration is silver because it makes it look shiny. "It will brighten our Christmas tree", Theo added
Anila "The red spots are me and my parents"
Louis "The sun is peeking through"
  Zoe "I added sparkles to my ornament. It glows."
Keira "There is a red heart, showing my love for my mommy"

When you look at the ornaments, it might remind you of a different story. This is how we share our lives with each other.