Friday, 22 April 2016

Earth Day - April 22nd. 2016

Happy EARTH Day! 

In connection to our new unit on Plants, we focused today on celebrating Earth Day
The children's knowledge on plants is very broad and today it was delightful to listen to what they know about the importance of taking care of our surroundings, as well as appreciating and protecting the Earth. 

"Take a step into the surrounding forest at Creative Minds, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let the breeze tickle your face and the sun warm your existence. Be thankful for all that our Earth is offering us. Be Kind. Be Gentle..." 

We discussed reusing, recycling and reducing materials that we use daily. The importance of saving energy, planting and conserving plant life. 

These hands can help take care of the Earth

"Earth" word search. 

The flower queen 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you ! Winston loves it and shared lots of knowledge at home.
