Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Bodies of Water

Last week, we went on a field trip to Kitsilano Beach where the children explored the water in the ocean and observed its different uses, for example, boats use water for transportation, fish and shells use it as their home, etc. 
We also took a walk along the creek in the forest, and the children all wondered how the water travels and also what animals live in it. 

For this week, we gathered materials needed to build a landscape on which we will add different bodies of water*. During our project, to help us answer the children's questions, we will research outdoors, read books and search on the internet.

Esme "Why is the water in the ocean salty?" 
Kesler "How does the water get to our tap?" 
Andrea "Do fish live in the creek?" 
Esme "I know a little bit about the sun warming the water and the water evaporates and then it goes to the clouds, but does it happen all the time?" 

* A body of water is any significant accumulation of water on a planet's surface.

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