Inspired by our unit on Friendship, there are a lot of happy, generous feelings in the Wind group. The children enjoy giving and receiving material objects such as drawings, hand-made bracelets, baked goods, etc. as well as showing kindness and the willingness to share in the workload and happiness.
After reading the story "The Birthday Box" by Leslie Patricelli, we brainstormed some ideas of an object that the children might want to put in a box and give to a friend. It was quite difficult to think of just one thing, so instead of choosing a certain object, we used an art technique called modelling to create something unique.
Working with clay is always fun and relaxing. The children kneaded the clay until it softened and felt easier to work with.
One task that they were given was to think of the friend that they would like to share their mud work with and to try to model something that expresses/describe their friendship.
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