Tuesday, 8 July 2014

A closer look at crawling creatures

To deepen our knowledge, we took our magnifying glasses and went outdoors on a crawling creatures hunt.

This is what the children discovered on their observation walk:

Jason “A dragonfly. It’s got 2 wings on each side and a very long tail.”
Matthew “Like a helicopter. It’s got a long tail at the back.”
Ryleigh What do dragonflies eat?”
Bela “They fly, really fast. What else do they do?”
Matthew “Maybe they have a playground they play at.”
Kesler “Maybe they help the community.”

Sparked by the children’s interest, tomorrow we will look closer into the life of a dragonfly.  

Other observations:

Kesler “Look, bees. There are bees at my house too.”
Bela “Bees make honey.”
Jason “Yes, they use flowers and they spit the honey back into that shape.”
Anamaria “Do you know what shape it is?”
Jason “No, I know what it looks like.”

Bela “Let’s look under this log.”
Francine “Wow, so many wood bugs.”
Jason “I like roly poly's. They roll into a tiny ball.”
Anamaria “What do wood bugs do? How do they help the ecosystem?”
Matthew “They eat wood.”

Jason “Look, a worm.”
Anamaria “How do worms move? What do you see?”
Matthew “Worms slither.”


On our way back the children looked for crawling creatures in our vegetable garden. Ryleigh spotted some wood bugs. Matthew saw a “beautiful flower” and he thinks that bees are going to come over and use it.

 During this month, we will look closely into different crawling creatures and we will focus on the children’s interests and inquiries.

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