Every community needs
a little bit of colour!
We read "The Curious Garden", a book by Peter Brown. Our focus was on community-related
tasks. The children noticed the difference between a "quiet" city,
where everyone spent their time indoors or at work, compared to
the one at the end of the story, where all the people in the neighbourhood got together
and built a beautiful, and colourful community full of plants. This idea connects
to one of our key concepts: Responsibility. We all take on roles in our
community and this helps us build a strong community/preschool.
We all decided that
our miniature community needed a little bit of colour. We decided to add to it
with touches of paint. While we waited for the paint to dry, we enjoyed the
beautiful sunny day by taking a walk around our neighbourhood. Our
goal was to spot community helpers and to point out their responsibilities.
Mary brought her dog along and we took him to the grooming shop. Mary's
responsibility was to care for her dog and for the environment. She was ready
to pick up after her dog when needed. (Please see Mary’s blog for more
information - http://mary-creativemindsevents.blogspot.ca/2014/03/building-together-2-trip-to-pets.html)
Other people were:
"Cleaning their front yards"
Alexis "Mowing
the lawn"
The people at the
grooming shop were kind enough to show us their responsibilities within their work
It takes time and
patience to build a strong, trusting community, where people enjoy helping each
other and working together towards the same goal.
The Wind Group’s
miniature community will reflect our inquiries and learning throughout the
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