Friday, 28 March 2014

Jobs in our community

For the remaining weeks of inquiry, the wind group will be focusing on different jobs in detail. 
We will be looking at jobs that are done in our community and how they make a difference. 

The children showed an interest and appreciation towards the care and help that police officers provide in our community. We will be organizing a field trip to a police station and/or inviting a police officer over to our school to find out more things about their job and responsibilities. 

Here is what the children think that police officers do and questions that they want to ask: 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Building a strong community together!

The miniature community is ready for everyone to view. 

In connection to our project, we discussed the different jobs and responsibilities that people in the community have. The children found a connection between tasks they do at home and at school, as well as some tasks that people perform at their jobs.
Each role we play and task we perform helps us build a strong community and keeps our environment safe and sound.
The Wind group's community 
The forest 

The safe drivers

The friendly neighbours - Sofia and Alexis playing together

Bela getting a haircut at the Barbershop

Anamaria buying some cookies from the Bakery

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Responsibilities in our community!

Every community needs a little bit of colour! 

We read "The Curious Garden", a book by Peter Brown. Our focus was on community-related tasks. The children noticed the difference between a "quiet" city, where everyone spent their time indoors or at work, compared to the one at the end of the story, where all the people in the neighbourhood got together and built a beautiful, and colourful community full of plants. This idea connects to one of our key concepts: Responsibility. We all take on roles in our community and this helps us build a strong community/preschool. 

We all decided that our miniature community needed a little bit of colour. We decided to add to it with touches of paint. While we waited for the paint to dry, we enjoyed the beautiful sunny day by taking a walk around our neighbourhood. Our goal was to spot community helpers and to point out their responsibilities. Mary brought her dog along and we took him to the grooming shop. Mary's responsibility was to care for her dog and for the environment. She was ready to pick up after her dog when needed. (Please see Mary’s blog for more information -
Other people were: 
Trystan "Cleaning their front yards" 
Alexis "Mowing the lawn" 

The people at the grooming shop were kind enough to show us their responsibilities within their work place. 

It takes time and patience to build a strong, trusting community, where people enjoy helping each other and working together towards the same goal. 
The Wind Group’s miniature community will reflect our inquiries and learning throughout the unit.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Formative week - How we organize ourselves - Building together

Formative assessment is embedded in the teaching and learning process and therefore occurs at the beginning of each new unit. It aims to support children in expressing their knowledge about Community and helps teachers plan the next stage of learning.

For our next week, we will be building a miniature "wind group community" that will include all the amenities the wind group decides are needed in a community. This experience will help the children recognize the importance of knowing the immediate needs of every person and the reasons why some stores/buildings/services are needed in a community.
The model will be displayed in the main room and the children will be encouraged to add more things to it as we deepen our learning during the remaining 7 weeks.

The walk we took on Thursday in our community gave the children an idea of different jobs/roles people have in our community and opened a discussion about how we all contribute in a different way. 

Trystan "A gas station is important in a community. Cars need gas in order to function."
Jason "A construction site. A digger helps dig a hole"
Sofia "A coffee shop. Yummy cookies" 

We even went inside a barber shop to take pictures with the barber and to thank him for his service to our community. Aren't we lucky to have all these wonderful places in our neighbourhood?

Summative activity - Wind group's invention

 A super duper machine

Cleaning in the olden days was always done by hand (beat dust out of carpets outside, mop the floor by hand, etc). The difference today is that there are many inventions that make performing these tasks easier such as a vacuum cleaner, steam mop and so on.

The children's task was to develop an innovation that will help them perform a job in an easier and faster manner. The work that the children in the wind group find themselves doing the most is organizing and tidying up toys.

"An organizer" Trystan said. "A machine that will tidy toys up", Sofia added, "and that vacuums at the same time", Maddi suggested.

We started this project by sketching a prototype of what the machine might look like. Every child added an element to it.
In the end, we presented the machine to the other children. The super duper machine is displayed on the shelf, by the science materials. 
