Sunday, 17 March 2013


Non-living things don't require water to survive, but living things might need to use water to maintain non-living things. Byron said, "Toys are non-living things that need water - we need to wash the toys." Emilie added that because we all play with the toys, germs and dirt are some factors that can affect our health. In order to maintain a healthy environment, and keep the toys clean, the children took initiative and washed some toys at Creative Minds. What a caring and principled act they displayed. At the end, we compared the difference between fresh water (before they washed the toys) and the dirty water that resulted after washing the toys. For the next few days, we will be discussing the importance of conserving fresh water. 


"Animals need water" - Emilie remembered the commitment that we made during our generosity unit. The children connected the units with each other and talked about the importance of water; living things need it in order to survive. As a result of our knowledge and our commitment, we changed the water in the fish tank. Howard and Emilie said that the fish look very happy in fresh water. Sarah mentioned that, "It looks like the fish are dancing, that's how they show their appreciation and happiness." 

Exploring different uses of Water - #1 WATERCOLOURS

The children experienced the importance of water in painting with watercolours. Sarah said, “The more water you add to the colour, the lighter and paler it becomes.” Trystan added to Sarah's comment, "More colour and less water gives us a stronger, darker colour." We all enjoyed painting with watercolours and presented our drawings at the end. 

Investigating Water Sources

The Wind group and Fire group got together to go on an investigation. We were all looking for water sources around our school. On our way to the forest, the children noticed some puddles. Trystan said, "Puddles form when it rains", and Julia added, "Water from a puddle goes in the ground." Trystan also mentioned that, "Water from the puddle goes up into the sky", referring to evaporation. 

Sofia found water on some leaves and noted that, "Plants and tress need water to grow. They drink it."

Grace noticed the drain and shared her knowledge with the group: "The water goes in the drain, in through the water pump and into the ocean". Howard said that the water from the drain "goes to the fire hydrant and it's used by the fire fighters to put fires out." 

We collected water from the ocean, the stream in our forest, puddles and the river. We will compare these samples throughout the inquiry. The children are very enthusiastic to further explore water in our surroundings.