The Fairy House
With a little bit of magic and a lot of gathered materials, we all
went to the forest to build the Fairy house. The children loved having
the freedom to choose where the rooms will be and what they will look
like. They had a swing in the front garden, a bedroom were they all
rested and a big room where they spent time together - reading books,
telling stories about their day and playing. What a great time we had!
The children wanted to share their stories with everyone, so they
made a book entitled " A book about a fairy". On the cover it's a
picture of themselves posing " the Fairy pose". The story tells everyone
about their responsibilities when being a fairy and the pictures show
their costumes and favourite colours.
Serena said that, "anyone can be a fairy, just a big
smile, colourful clothes and voila". Library Fairy, Cleaning Fairy,
Laundry Fairy, Driving Fairy, Teacher Fairy, etc. Don't we all seem to
play these roles at one point or another?
They look like they are having so much fun! Simone rarely actually smiles in pictures, so I know she was enjoying herself. Thank you for sharing!