There are different ways of knowing that it is Fall; either you know because of the date in the calendar or because you heard it on the radio.
Today, we were reminded of that through a child's discovery.
The four groups gathered together today to go on a walk in the forest. When we reached the meadow, Kathryn gathered the children and talked about the different sounds we hear in the forest.
On our way back, some children were running, while others were strolling along.
The group in the back was quiet, walking slowly towards the school.
Halfway there, Elliot asked me a question:
Elliot: "Anamaria, did you hear that?"
Anamaria: "The children running and laughing?"
Elliot: "No. Listen carefully."
Anamaria: "The birds chirping?"
Elliot: "No, me. I'm stepping on these leaves. Listen to the sound it makes. Crunch, crunch, crunch..."
With a big smile on his face, Elliot ran back and forth through the blanket of leaves that was covering the path.
Today, I learned...I learned that Fall comes with a sound. A sound of crunching leaves!