Friday, 19 December 2014

Summative assessment - Nature Painting

Central idea: Learning about colours helps build awareness of them in nature

During the summative week, the children worked on creating their nature painting. This project allows the children to show their understanding of the central idea and the way they are interpreting and representing it through colours. 

During the planning stage, the children identified something from nature that they want to represent. The primary colours, black and white are the only colours that the children were given. While creating their painting, the children mixed the paint to create their desired colour and added white to lighten the colour and black to darken it. 

The painting can be taken home at anytime! A short description will be placed on the back of the canvas. 

Grace "A Christmas tree surrounded by angels"

Jacob "A tree"

Janet "Green grass and blue sky"

Kesler "A tree"

Luca "A yellow flower"

Alexia "A pink flower"

Andrea "A purple flower"

Angela "A purple flower"

Esme "A Christmas tree"


Monday, 15 December 2014

Hanging decorations

With the holidays approaching, we decided to make nature print decorations. We collected leaves, branches, rocks, chestnuts and other nature objects from the forest to create nature print ornaments. 
The children picked different leaves and used a roller to imprint them onto their piece of clay.  
Picking and mixing colours to paint their ornaments once they dried was a very easy task. Using their knowledge, the children created tint colours to paint the top part and shades to paint the edge. The children noticed that by painting the edge darker, the colour on top stands out. 

Happy Holidays, 
Anamaria and the Wind Group!

Friday, 12 December 2014

Art on Fridays - Finger painting

For Art today, the children used their fingers to paint trees. Finger painting allows the children to express themselves freely and promotes a sensory experience.

Angela "Lots of apples in an apple tree on a beautiful blue sky day."
Janet "A small tree and the sun set"
Kesler "My trees are apple trees. Apple trees on a rainy day."
Luca " A tree standing tall while the sun is setting."


Friday, 5 December 2014

Art on Fridays - Changes in nature

The story "Sky Tree" by Thomas Locker is about a turtle that lays eggs beneath a tree. The pictures in the story are painted by the author, and as Grace remarked, "the painting of the tree and the different seasons seem real". Each day, the tree changes and so does the sky behind it. The beautiful thing about this tree is that the changes represent the passage of time in nature. For art today, we used watercolours to create the sky. The children chose to use the following techniques: wet on wet, dry brush and graded wash. The children noticed that in some scenes, the colour lightens towards the bottom of the page. Graded was is the technique that helps create that look. The brush needs to be loaded with clean water and the strokes need to be more gentle towards the bottom. 
Next week, the children will each paint a tree and write a poem about the season they picked and what their paintings expresses. 

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Modelling clay to make flowers - representing nature through visual art.

Flowers can be made of different materials and different colours. The children identified flowers as being part of nature and through their presence in nature, our world looks more beautiful and colourful. 
While working with clay, we experienced that the clay is cold to touch and also very easy to mold. The children each chose the number of petals and the shape they want for their flowers. Very meticulously, they each worked very hard to create a unique and special flower. 

The flowers will be painted with acrylic paint and covered with a coat of varnish. 
The children will show an understanding of colours and mixing when choosing their paint for their flower.