In the last few days of our inquiry, we worked on our plant dioramas and took Fuzzy back to the forest where he belongs.
Trystan "I think it's time to let Fuzzy go."
Roy "He misses his friends in the forest."

* How do people use plants?
* How do animals use plants?
* What do plants need in order to grow and what are their features?
Maddi "My bird laid its eggs under a tree. The tree will offer shelter and shade to the little babies."
Sofia "I am sitting on a log in my vegetable garden, making sure that the plants have soil, water and a lot of sunlight."
Roy "My worm is helping dig the soil."
Alexis "I am watering my plants in my garden."
Jason "I am in the forest. I love climbing trees and the squirrels like it too."
Bela "I love eating Salmonberries."
The dioramas display the children's creativity and their knowledge about plants.